Mon. -Fri. 9: 00 a.m.-7: 00 p.m. Sat. 10: 00 a.m. - 2: 00 p.m.
On this page, I provide materials for self-study of Chinese. Completely free. If you have any questions about the lesson, feel free to write to me!
„Fakty przewyższają elokwencję”
事实胜于雄辩 (czyt. shì shí shèng yú xióng biàn)
Powiedzenie to oznacza, że prawda jest bardziej przekonująca niż, robiący nawet największe wrażenie, argument. Słowa te pochodzą od samego Lu Xun’a (Lu Xun, właśc. Zhou Shuren, [ur. 1881, zm. 19 października 1936] – chiński pisarz uznawany za najwybitniejszego chińskiego autora XX wieku – źródło: Wikipedia), który użył je w jednym ze swoich esejów ze zbioru „Gorący wiatr”. Dokładny cytat wygląda następująco: “现在拟态的制服早已破碎,显出自身的本相来了,真所谓‘事实胜于雄辩’。” (pl. „Obecnie mimetyczny mundur już dawno został zerwany, ujawniając swoją prawdziwą naturę. W istocie, ‘ Fakty mówią głośniej niż słowa ‘”). Sentencję tą tłumaczy się na kilka możliwych sposobów:
Fakty mówią głośniej niż słowa.
Fakty silniejsze są niżeli retoryka.
Fakty są bardziej przekonujące niżeli elokwentne teorie.
#factsspeaklouderthanwords #factsarestrongerthanrethoric #factsaremoreconvincingthaneloquencetheories #factsbeateloquence #chinesesentences #chinesesayings #chineselanguage #luxun #hotwind #chinese #chineseculture #China #chinesetranslator #chineseinterpreter

Lesson 5 - Who are you by profession?
In this lesson, we will meet two heroes who talk about their professions. We will learn new, useful constructions and vocabulary. In the lesson folder you will also find an exercise book with lesson signs and an audio recording of the glossary and dialogues.
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Lesson 4: How Much Does It Cost?
Below you will find the file with lesson number 3. We will learn in it how to ask and negotiate the price. The folder contains a file with a lesson, a workbook, dialogue recordings and a glossary. I wish you fruitful learning.
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Lesson 3: What's your name?
Below you will find a file with lesson 3, in which you will learn to ask about age, answer the question about age and learn the numbers from 1 to 10. The folder contains a file with the lesson and graphics presenting the sequence of dashes, a book for practicing signs expressing numerals, a book for exercises characters from the lesson and two tapes. Enjoy learning.
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Additional material: The largest cities in Poland
The file contains a pdf document with a list of voivodships and Polish provinces belonging to them, the largest cities in a given region, along with pronunciation recordings and sign exercise books.
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Additional material: List of selected countries and cities
In the file you will find a document containing translations and phonetic notations of selected countries and cities in the world, recorded pronunciation and exercise books of signs that appear in the materials.
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Lesson 2: Where do you live?
In this lesson we will look at determining where we currently live or come from, what nationality we are. The file contains a lesson document, a character writing exercise book, and two tapes.
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Lesson 1: What's your name?
In this lesson you will find an educational document, a recording of the dialogue and individual points, and a sign practice book. The notebook must be printed, the document can be filled in on the computer, but a Chinese keyboard must be installed on your computer. If you have any problems with the files, please let me know!
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Lesson 0: Tones in Chinese - Presentation
I am sending today's material in the form of a presentation, but the audio files can be found separately (they did not want to add to the presentation) in the folder. I hope that one of the lessons "0" will bring you closer to the specifics of the Chinese language.
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Lesson 0: Chinese Phonology - Presentation
In the folder you can find a presentation on pronunciation in Chinese. There are a lot of mp3 files attached to the presentation, in the content of the presentation I refer to each of them. I hope you will find this material helpful in learning the language.
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Additional material: Tongue twigs in Chinese - .docx file
There is one .docx file and several .mp3 files in the folder. You will find Chinese twists in the document. Under each title, there is the text of the broken, phonetic notation, and my translation. In addition, each text is accompanied by a recording that will allow you to hear the pronunciation, the recordings are provided with an appropriate title. Tongue twigs help you improve the pronunciation of Chinese correctly, so I highly recommend practicing with the content of the file.
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Lesson 0: Chinese scripts - Presentation + workbook
In the lesson below you will learn the most important things about the Chinese language and how to correctly write characters. A workbook is attached to the lesson in the form of a presentation.
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Additional materials: Tone changes in Chinese - Presentation + recordings.
In the lesson above, you will learn about the cases in which the pitch change process occurs in spoken language. This is a key point for the correct pronunciation of the language. The presentation was accompanied by a recording with the pronunciation of the words discussed in the materials.
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